

This tutorial will show you how to create a shader that will render a wireframe of your model and not render the backfacing wireframes. Before following the steps below, unwrap your mesh.

1. Take a snapshot of your UVs.


2. Create a shader node of your choice (I used a lambert).


3. Create a Condition node (under General Utilities).


4. Create a Sampler Info node (under General Utilities).

创建一个Sampler Info节点

5. Create a 2D File Texture node and load your UV snapshot as the file.


6. Create a Ramp node, and delete all colors but one.


7. Change the remaining ramp color to either black or white (you may need to change this later).


8. Connect the outColor attribute of the UV file texture to the colorIfTrue attribute of the Condition node.


9. Connect the outcolor attribute of the Ramp node to the colorIfFalse attribute of the Condition node.


10. Connect the flippedNormal attribute of the Sampler Info node to the firstTerm attribute of the Condition node.

将Sampler Info节点的flippedNormal属性连接到Condition节点的firstTerm属性(好像在做双面材质啊)

11. Connect the outColor attribute of the Condition node to the transparency attribute of the shader node.


You may need to use a Reverse node between the UV file texture and the Condition node to make it work correctly. Reverse nodes are pretty simple: they have an input and an output. All they do is invert the colors of a color node. For the same reason, you may need to change the ramp node from white to black, or vice-a-versa.

你也许要在UV file texture和Condition之间添加到一个Reverse节点,可能是你的操作正确,Reverse节点是简单的,只有一个输入和输出节点,用来转换颜色。处于同意原因,你要将Ramp的颜色又黑色改为白色,或者反过来。

Also, you may need to attach the outColor of the UV file texture to the colorIfFalse attribute of the Condition node, INSTEAD of the colorIfTrue attribute (in step 8).

也许你要将UV file的outColor连接到Condition的colorIfFalse属性(第八步)


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