
“The Explorer” by Monsit Jangariyawong


作者:  Monsit Jangariyawong


I started sketch with pen and paper , I tried to draw little thumbnail as much as possible to find the right composition , I spent mech time at this stage, because , if you find the right compostion at fist ,it will save you a lot of work. Finally I picked the one I liked and developed it into high resolution image. At this point I begun to add detail to my ship, monster, pilot design and used it as reference in modeling stage.

I used image from step 1 for modeling reference ,I locked the camera position at this stage and found the lense that suited my compositon. After the camera work was completed I begun to model each of my element piece by piece .

My modeling tool is wings3d and Alias maya. I used box modeling technic for my main element such as pilot, space ship and alien and finish UVmapping in wings3d. It had great feature to make my task easier. For the detail model such as gun , mechanic part , I used nurb surface in maya because my gun design is easy to use nurb modeling method.

我使用的建模工具是wings3d以及Alias maya,我对于主要元素,比如飞行员,太空船和异形使用从立方体元素开始扩展模型的技巧,完成模型后,使用wings3d处理UV展开,wings3d在处理UV时有非常好的功能,让我的工作非常轻松。对于一些细节模型,比如枪,机械部分,我使用Maya的 nurbs表面建模,因为使用这种方式能够很容易地创建枪的细节。

I decided to give my scene happen in daytime. At the big area of grand-canyon-, I was inspired by starwars desert planet, the terrain was entirely made with flat nurb patch. I used high resolution displacement map to generate the high of terrain in combination with bump map. I could see the displacement preview in viewport by using of hightfield utility node in maya. Final image was rendered with mentalray.

我决定让我的场景故事发生在白天,在一个山谷的巨大区域,我从星球大战中的沙漠行星获得灵感,山脉完全是用扁平的nurbs面片构建的,我使用高分辨率的置换贴图结合凹凸贴图来生成山脉的高度,通过使用maya 中的叫做 utility的节点,我可以直接在视窗里预览置换贴图的效果,最终图像是用Mnetalray渲染的。

Texture work was painted by hand in adobe photoshop. The resolution is pretty high about 4096×4096 . Reflection map was made by render terrain scene environment.
材质贴图是在Photoshop中手绘的。分辨率非常高,达到了4096×4096 ,反射贴图则通过渲染山脉场景环境来获得。

Progression of my texture work , at this point I begun lighting work. I used Dome light script for GI ambient atmostphere light. After I finished lighting, I begun to fine tune my texture. I wanted my model to look old as it was used for a long time so I added more dirt to texture map. Alien shader used subsurface scattering in maya to acheive the creature-skin look.

下面是我贴图工作的进展图,到目前这个阶段我开始灯光设置工作,我使用Dome light脚本来获得模拟GI的 环境灯光,当我完成灯光设置之后,开始细化调整我的贴图,我希望模型看上去像是使用了很长时间,有陈旧的感觉,因此我在贴图上加了更多的污渍,异形的材质使用的Maya的次表面散射节点,来获得生物皮肤的外观,

Spaceship was rendered in multi-pass method. I seperated it in several parts:1.color with ambient light pass, 2.sun light diffuse pass. 3. specular pass 4.shadow pass. 5.ambient-occlusion pass,6.effect pass. with this method. I had more freedom to fine tune it without rerender.

Main element of image the pilot was made by the same technics and concept with spaceship but needed more details. At this stage I begun to combine all element to see the overall composition.

Lighting and texturing was done. I begun to experiment with the final composition. I put my rendered element in differnt position, sit back and post my experiment in forum and recieved many valuable comments. Finally I decided to follow my old composition . At this point I used photoshop to desaturate my render into mono-tone image to “seperate” value and add depth to my image.

I used maya fluid effect for sky explosion and missle trails.
我使用Maya的fluid effect (流体特效模块)来创建天空中的爆炸和导弹的尾迹。

I composited all elements with adobe photoshop, desaturated, blur, I added glow effect, paint fog to seperate my element. With my greyscale reference from my earlier step, I adjusted contrast and value of pilot to seperate it from the spaceship .

I begun to fine tune all detail point, retouche some problem spots and I used photoshop’s liquify to add “heat wave”effect to spaceship jet. Finally it was done!

(c) Monsit Jangariyawong, monsitj@hotmail.com



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